Reserve Township administration is committed to providing the best service to the citizens of Reserve. To that end, the Township Manager routinely attends training exercises provided by the Government Finance Officers Association and other governmental agencies to be prepared for emerging challenges faced by local municipalities in Pennsylvania. The Township employs one full-time manager, one-full time water clerk, and one full time administrative assistant/treasurer. There is also a part time zoning and code enforcement officer. Building inspector is outsourced to Building Inspection Underwriters
North Hills Council of Governments
Reserve Township is a member of the North Hills Council of Governments (Click here to view the webpage). The North Hills Council of Governments (NHCOG) is a voluntary coalition of nineteen municipalities in Allegheny County. The organization was initiated as a result of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1972, and is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation. The COG acts as a mutual forum to discuss and bring into focus regional challenges and opportunities, collect and maintain data of a regional interest, strives to improve communication, coordination and intergovernmental cooperation between all
Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreements
The Township is successfully working along surrounding municipalities. This multi-municipal department proves how successful intergovernmental cooperation agreements can be and can also serve as an example for other municipalities in Allegheny County to save costs and provide the best services for the public.
Board of Commissioners
In accordance with the PA First Class Township Code, the Reserve Township Board of Commissioners is charged with the general governance of the Township, the execution of legislative, executive and administrative powers in order to ensure the sound fiscal management of the Township and securing the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community. Government – Reserve Township (